Deep Dive into Managing UI State in Your React App

I recently worked on a discord clone where I had to manage a fairly extensive UI. I quickly learned how important it was to manage my UI state effectively across multiple components & how it was pivotal in delivering a seamless user experience. The code snippet shared above showcases my experience with a Redux implementation aimed at handling various UI states in a React application. Let's dissect the provided code to comprehend the intricacies of managing UI states using Redux.

The Essence of Redux in UI Management

In a nutshell, Redux acts as a state container, facilitating state management in our JavaScript applications. With actions, reducers, and a store, it streamlines state changes in a predictable manner, especially in large applications where state changes are abundant and potentially chaotic.

Actions: Expressing Intents

Actions in Redux are objects containing ‘type’ and payload, representing the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of state changes. The given code first defines a plethora of actions (like SET_UNAUTHORIZED, SET_HOME_REDIRECT, and more) to inform the reducer about the subsequent state alterations.


export const setUnauthorized = (toggle) => ({

Here, setUnauthorized is an action creator returning an action that is then dispatched to the reducer, thereby, triggering state changes.

Reducers: Translating Actions into State Changes

A reducer, in Redux parlance, is a function receiving the current state and an action, returning a new state. It acts as the decision-maker of how the state should change, ensuring immutability by generating fresh state objects.


const authUiReducer = (state = authInitialState, action) => {
  //...switch case logic here

In our case, various reducers (authUiReducer, navbarUiReducer, etc.) decipher actions to modify the UI state accordingly, ensuring that each reducer adheres to the single responsibility principle by managing specific slices of the UI state.

Combining Reducers: A Unified State Management

The combineReducers utility unites our individual reducers into a single managing entity, safeguarding modularity and enhancing state management.

const uiReducer = combineReducers({
  auth: authUiReducer,
  navbar: navbarUiReducer,
  //...other reducers

By doing so, uiReducer forms a structured state object, keeping state management coherent and modularized.

Selectors: Extracting Necessary Slices of State

Selectors retrieve specific slices of state, avoiding unnecessary renders and data fetches. In our code, selectors like getVideoCall, getUnauthorized, etc., encapsulate the logic needed to extract relevant data, fostering optimization and maintainability.


export const getUnauthorized = (state) => {
  return state.ui.auth.unauthorized;

Selectors act as a window, providing components the necessary state slices without exposing the entirety of the state tree.

Best Practices: Ensuring Efficient and Maintainable Code

  • Immutability: Always return a new state instead of manipulating the existing one.
  • Action Types: Use descriptive and intuitive action types (like SET_UNAUTHORIZED) to enable easier debugging.
  • Selector Usage: Employ selectors to pull necessary data without re-renders.
  • Modularity: Ensure each reducer manages its dedicated state slice, adhering to modularity and clean code principles.

Understanding the Dynamics: Pros and Cons of Using Redux

As we navigate through the cascading waves of UI state management with Redux, it’s imperative to shed light on its benefits and pitfalls, guiding developers to make informed decisions based on their project's needs.


  1. Predictability and Consistency: With Redux, the state becomes predictable. Actions dispatched produce the same state change every time, ensuring consistency across the application.

  2. Debugging Capabilities: Redux, especially when coupled with middleware like Redux DevTools, offers stellar debugging capabilities. Developers can track actions and state changes, making the debugging process substantially easier.

  3. Scalability: Its architecture is well-suited for large-scale applications where state management can become tangled and complex, ensuring a structured and organized codebase.

  4. Community and Ecosystem: Boasting a vibrant community and a plethora of libraries & tools, Redux provides extensive support and additional functionalities that developers can leverage.

  5. Testability: The pattern used by Redux allows for easier unit testing, given that reducers are pure functions and can be tested independently from the UI.


  1. Boilerplate Code: Implementing Redux introduces additional code and files, which might be perceived as boilerplate, especially in smaller applications.

  2. Complexity for Beginners: For newcomers or in simple applications, Redux might seem overwhelming due to its learning curve and the conceptual overhead it introduces.

  3. Verbosity: Each state change requires an action, and handling these actions can get verbose, potentially slowing down development speed, particularly in smaller projects.

  4. Optimization Concerns: Without careful design, you might run into unnecessary re-renders or state updates, which can impede performance.

Why the Balance Matters

In an era where user experience reigns supreme, ensuring that the UI is reflective of the underlying state is paramount. Redux provides a solid foundation to manage states across large-scale applications, ensuring synchronization between the UI and the state. However, the importance of considering its pros and cons cannot be overstated.

The deterministic nature of Redux - one that ensures every action translates to a predictable state change - safeguards against erratic behavior in complex UIs. Moreover, it's not just about state management, but also about maintaining a balance where the overhead of implementing a solution does not outweigh the problem it seeks to solve.

The decision to utilize Redux should be meticulously weighed, aligning its offerings with the project’s demands. For smaller applications or projects where context API suffices, Redux might be an overkill. Conversely, in larger, more complex applications, the structured state management, debuggability, and testability provided by Redux could prove to be indispensable.

Closing Thoughts

Integrating Redux to manage UI states fosters a reliable, predictable, and streamlined development environment, especially in sizable React applications where state changes are frequent and multifaceted.

This deep dive into the provided Redux implementation enables us to understand how adopting such structured state management practices aids in reducing bugs, enhancing performance, and improving maintainability across our React applications.

Whether it’s maintaining the modality of various UI elements, ensuring the visibility of specific components, or even managing the animations, Redux provides a robust and scalable solution, ensuring our applications remain user-friendly, interactive, and bug-free.